“Allegories are, in the realm of thought, what ruins are in the realm of things.” Walter Benjamin
Pearl of Wisdom series: Mundus Vult Decipi
Cwtch series: Orbis Alius
“To find beauty, we sometimes have to turn to allegory—it might be our only source of hope, redemption, and salvation.” Walter Benjamin

First Word series: Mundus Vult Decipi
Apeiron series: Mors Vita Est
Miss Gracie series: The Hoofer
Rise Up series: Court
Tabula Rasa series: Mors Vita Est
“The sculptor, and the painter also, should be trained in these liberal arts: grammar, geometry, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, perspective, history, anatomy, theory of design, arithmetic.” —Lorenzo Ghiberti
The Charites series: Champions of the Pandemic
Orpheus series: the Hoofer
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” —Aristotle
Poppy series: Squaring The Circle
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